Sunday 1 January 2012

How to improve your website's performance - How everthing works ... ?

Optimizing your website for the search Engine optimization is one of necessary tasks that we need to do when we start any business or any informative website or any blog on the internet . It is so because firstly there are too many websites of every and any niche possible on the earth and more than 90 percent of the people use search engines for finding business they want ,& secondly , if you want to advertise your website then also , it will not be going an easy task to do . It is because there are many big sharks out there like Microsoft,Apple,Intel and even Google itself has many products to sell . They are paying much larger amount in advertising their product that new businessmen can afford , and also their products are well recognized because they have well established infrastructure and much older experience . In short ,though advertising will help a lot to lift up the business but what if we can achieve more or less the same effect by using the process of search engine optimization .

We know that there are for now two search engines that are known to the whole world :-
1.Google - By Google Inc.
2.Bing     - By Microsoft (Bing was formerly Windows live search)

Now we should look upon a short summary how search Engines process Everthing i.e what is the process that takes place when we search for anything on the search engines . When we type any keyword in any search engine search box two things happens

  1. The spider/crawler (Googlebot in case of Google ) searches in the database for the website that contains the use of that searched keyword for the maximum number of times . Note : Don't think that using the certain keyword unnecessarily will make website visible more better on the websites . The use of keywords appearing multiple should be relevant else it will be illegal against SEO rules and any such act can ban your post or even your website to be appear in SERP's (Search Engine Result Pages) .So be careful about that. 
  2. Notice that each search engines uses a different algorithm to determine the top results in SERP . In case of Google , it uses Page Rank .The Page rank is an algorithm the Google looks for the backlinks returning to your website from some more popular websites . Also notice that those backlinks must be quality backlinks .Quality backlinks means that what you reflect as the backlinks must be present on your website . In more simple words , your backlinks should not be fake and should be useful . If backlinks are quality then it will improve the performance of your website in the search engines and your website will be seen more often in top pages of Google for the particular keyword that is on your website . Also remember that is your backlinks are not the quality backlinks than it will also decrease the performance of your website . So don't give your links to everyone give it to quality sites only. 

    This post was intended to get for you ,a short summary on how Google search works . For more information please watch this video provided be webmasters tools from youtube .  


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